Hello all! It is October 14, 2019. On this day, I’ve decided to start my journey of sharing with the world my perspective of all things related to fitness for an almost-40-year-old guy. I would like to encourage and inspire and debate fitness with you. If I can motivate a few into becoming a healthier and/or fitter version of themselves, I would consider it quite an accomplishment. Over seven billion people to learn from and to also help guide. Come “Hang with G” and help me inspire the world into becoming more engaged in fitness. Comment and let me know what inspires you to become a fitter you and stay tune for my next post titled “The Perfect Workout” October 21, 2019.
I am currently on a fitness journey and this is right on time! It is not always easy to stick to the healthiest choices, but encouragement can make the difference. Looking forward to “the perfect workout” 🙂
I agree. “Encouragement” in whatever shape or form can inspire us to achieve the impossible. Looking forward to your feedback for the next post!
Thanks G! What inspires me is to not be limited in what I want to do. I want to be able to play any sport at anytime. Now that I’m older(33), I’ve focused my energy into tennis, but every fitness I do off the court is beneficial on the court. I also just love to just feel good. Many people around us, weather it’s self-inflicted or not, are struggling with not feeling 100%. Looking forward to the next post.
Thank you for the comment!!! I think most of our limitations start with us. Not patient enough. Not dedicated enough. Not hardworking enough to realize some of our potential. Let’s remove some of those barriers!